National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System

New construction projects and many types of industrial activities have the potential to discharge pollutants to local waterbodies via stormwater—rain, snow, snowmelt and runoff. In order to protect water quality, the EPA (and other state and local agencies) require permits for stormwater discharge. Most operations are covered under the NPDES genral permit, and Superior StormWater Services, LLC can help you acquire the permit and maintain compliance.

What the NPDES General Permit Covers

The NPDES general permit applies to eleven categories of industrial operations:

  1. Facilities subject to federal stormwater effluent discharge standards at 40 CFR Parts 405-471
  2. Heavy manufacturing (e.g., paper mills, chemical plants, petroleum refineries, steel mills and foundries)
  3. Coal and mineral mining, oil and gas exploration and processing
  4. Hazardous waste treatment, storage and disposal facilities
  5. Landfills, land application sites and open dumps with industrial wastes
  6. Metal scrapyards, salvage yards, automobile junkyards and battery reclaimers
  7. Steam electric power generating plants
  8. Transportation facilities that have vehicle maintenance, equipment cleaning or airport deicing operations
  9. Treatment works treating domestic sewage with a design flow of one million gallons per day or more
  10. Construction sites that disturb five acres or more (permitted separately)
  11. Light manufacturing (e.g., food processing, printing and publishing, electronic and other electrical equipment manufacturing, public warehousing and storage)

The NPDES construction general permit (CGP) applies to any contractor—residential or commercial—that will be moving earth on one acre or more of land. However, if the site is part of a larger development, a CGP/NOI is required even if the project area is less than one acre.

When Special Eligibility Requirements Apply

The NPDES general permit covers industrial operations in 29 Standard Operational Classification (SOC) sectors. Industries that fall into other sector classifications may still be subject to NPDES permitting but have special eligibility requirements.

Special eligibility requirements may also apply to new construction projects if:

  • Stormwater flows into an “impaired water” body
  • Potential pollutants have effluent limits—i.e., are subject to Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs)

Changes in local waterbody quality classifications, water quality legislation, etc. may affect general permit and/or special eligibility requirements. To ensure compliance, you should consult with a certified stormwater expert who is aware of the most current permit requirements.

Comprehensive NPDES Permit Services

Superior StormWater Services, LLC in Albuquerque, NM is the Southwest’s leader in stormwater pollution prevention services. Our team includes certified stormwater engineers and inspectors. We have the knowledge and field experience to help you with every stage of the NPDES permit process:

We offer compiled resources to help you understand the importance of stormwater pollution prevention and the various requirements to comply with federal, state and local permits. Contact us for cost-effective stormwater pollution prevention solutions.

Cost-effective stormwater pollution prevention solutions

Call us at 505-433-3693 to talk to a certified stormwater expert about your NPDES permit requirements.

Cost-effective Stormwater Pollution Prevention Solutions